Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Concerning The Shooting In Wesley Chapel

I mentioned this last night, but yesterday there was a shooting at a movie theatre in Wesley Chapel, Florida; that is about a half hour northeast of Tampa and I've never seen a movie at that location but I've heard of the joint before.

The full story is here, but to be brief, a retired police officer shot some dude in his 40's after the dude in his 40's texted his young daughter during the previews for a movie. While I do think it's rude to do such a thing during the previews, killing someone over it... yikes. It is rare for me to have issues while at a movie theatre but there have been problems in the past and I have been the guy to go and complain to a manager about people being Troglodytes. I now have to have this incident in the back of my mind whenever I am at the cineplex.

It's pretty awful how a lot of people act in movie theatres now and it's ridiculous how chains have to give out warnings telling people not to act like A-holes; but, trying to combat this with shooting someone? Wow, no. I unfortunately don't think the problem is going to go away with how people just act rude in general... but going to those extreme lengths to "send a message" or what have you is not the way to do it. I just hope I never have to witness such a thing with my own eyes, as talk about something that would haunt me for the rest of my life and cast a pall on my movie watching.

I'll be back tonight with a movie review.

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