Monday, April 15, 2013

Syndicate Sadists

Runtime: 90 minutes

Directed by: Umberto Lenzi

Starring: Tomas Milian, Joseph Cotten, Maria Fiore, Mario Piave, Femi Benussi

From: Dania Cinematografica

On this day of chaos and sad world news, I figured I would go for some escapist entertainment and watch another poliziotteschi film, this time one that isn't too difficult to find on YouTube, rather than the ones I've seen as of late that I found on a mysterious site where there's an amazing number of obscure uploads. I'll admit, a big reason why I picked it out was that I recognized some of the names in the cast (Italian actors Milian and Benussi, along with Cotten, who yes once appeared in movies like Citizen Kane and The Magnificent Ambersons and his career ended up here, delivering a surprisingly more wooden than Pinocchio; it wasn't the dubbing either, as all of his part was in English) and the fact that Tomas plays a character named... RAMBO. Yes. Obviously it was taken from the David Morrell novel First Blood shortly after it came out, which was years before Sly Stallone first played John Rambo.

To steal the plot from the IMDb: “A biker's brother is killed while investigating the kidnapping of a young boy, the byproduct of a war between two crime families. The biker vows to get revenge by finding the kidnapped boy and destroying the two families.”

Yeah, the plot seems similar to Kurosawa's Yojimbo, which was also adapted into A Fistful of Dollars. That sounded good to me and turns out, I did enjoy it, even more than I was expecting.There was what you'd expect from the genre, meaning shootouts, a badass hero (and Rambo did live up to the name, delivering many great moments), action on a bike (in this case a motorcycle that Rambo rides, while aways wearing a red cap and the old-style of motorcycle goggles), fistfights (there is a great one in a pool hall), a real funky 70's-riffic score and yeah, some sleaze. You see a woman get beat up, which yeah was uncomfortable. There was also a forced OD of cocaine, which is always good for laughs...

In short, I am glad this is easy to find online. If you aren't too familiar with the genre then this isn't a bad one to try out, as it has plenty of action and entertainment for its runtime and at least for me tonight, was entertainment that helped me forget the awfulness that happened in Boston. It also proved that if anyone happens to have the name Rambo, he'll be awesome.

I'll be back Wednesday night.

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